Guest Book

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Our buddy, Mike

We got to spend some quality time (translate: drinking and eating some good food and brew) with our friend Mike Wesch (Mr. Web 2.0) The Machine is Us/ing Us. Thanks Mike for putting up with our goofiness.

1 comment:

Neal Wollenberg said...

Gamage said...
It was a great pleasure to be with Mike, as one of the key people who were recognized here in the confrence. We had a very good exposure about what is going on in the business world. How far Kansas State and our needs fit in to this community and technology, I am not still sure. However, it was an eye opener, I am anticipating some changes of vision in the near future. This blog is one good example. Simply we never did blogging before, and now we know how we enter to the the blogging world, at zero cost.