Guest Book

Monday, April 23, 2007

Web 2.0 is Here

Did you know that Google is the #1 start page on the Internet? Do you have a Second Life account? When is the last time you posted a comment to a blog? 60% of Web content is viewed by someone they know (think My Space, Facebook, etc.). The term Webmaster is archaic since the "new" Web involves everyone, including the audience, to add content.

The evolving Web is Web 2.0. More to come...


Neal Wollenberg said...

Webmaster is archaic? Surely not! What if the web master is still legitimate, still cutting edge and still an integral part of web 2.0? What if it's not the web master that's changing, but the web master's role. Perhaps the web master has turned into more of a guide for web 2.0? Someone to take the masses by the hand and help them do the things they want to do. Someone who sets up the framework that the masses build their virtual worlds within... some food for thought.


Gerry said...

Good point Neal. I heard the statement at the conference. True, we do have ever changing roles. As for content building, instead of everything feed to a Webmaster (oh powerful lord) to post, the newer Web allows both audience and content provider to post materials, thus bypassing the Webmaster. It's content that the audience is now looking for over the technology and gizmos. Back to your dungeon for now.